Monday, July 15, 2019

Elder EJones: This Week

“I am going to keep close to the Lord. I am going to understand Him better, and, understanding Him, I will understand myself and will try to put my life into harmony with His.” - Hugh B. Brown

Sometimes I feel like a failure as a missionary. I'm sure that all missionaries at some point have felt that. Be it in what we do, in numbers, or in the way that we are acting and trying to resemble the Savior. It has been hard for me a little this past cambio with my comp.  But I've learned a lot about the need that I have to be an example to all. To be an example to him, to the members, investigators, and to all that hear and see me. And sometimes its hard. Its not supposed to be easy, but I know that it is worth it. I thought lots this week of the importance I have to be an example to those who aren't watching me. They hope I am doing the right things and being an example. And if I'm not, I'm letting them down. More importantly, I'm letting the Lord down.

I know that as I try to understand the Lord more, I can develop a better relationship with Him. I want to be able to see Him as my Father and creator, as he sees me as His son!!

Gissel, Maybelin and Nayeli are good. They continue to participate, and come to church. Im glad that the Holy Ghost can help us to keep pushing foreward in our lives and trusting in the Lord in all that we do.

Pray for Aaron, Robert, and Ubaldino that they will be able to progress and come to develop their personal understanding and love for the gospel.

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