Monday, April 1, 2019

Elder HJones: Priesthood Power!!

So this week was pretty interesting. It was both hard and funny. Sometimes, I am just really confused and don't know what to do. But I know that God has all the answers, asi que vamos a seguir adelante para que podamos recibir las respuestas (but as we press forward we will receive the answers).

Our zone here in Vallenar has always been the zone that doesn't have success or baptize. In December we had 15 baptisms. That is the most that Vallenar has ever had! So many missionaries come here without faith, but I want to change it so bad. We finished this month with 11. We had like 10 set baptisms, but they all fell through. Every single one of them. AHHHH. So we are kinda confused. Our zone is obedient, we are always fasting and praying together, we don't know what else to do to break the ice here. But I know that God has the answers. So we are going to do our very best to receive revelation to receive them. I am learning a bunch here. Im happy to be here and I know that answers and miracles are around the corner.

I had an awesome experience this week. A sister in another branch asked us to go the hospital to give a priesthood blessing. We went and it was in the ICU. The place were the people are really bad and close to death. It was really humbling to walk in. I felt a different spirit. We were able to give a blessing to the sister. It was special to do the blessing to her. She was crying and she was praying, thanking God for sending us to her bedside. She had so much faith. She knew that the power and authority that we have really does come from God and that it works. We finished and when we walked out of the hospital my heart was filled with love and joy. I felt the love that God has for each one of us. I am so grateful that God has placed His power here on the earth, It really does bless others. I am grateful that God has called me as an instrument to hold His priesthood and bless the lives of others!

Super excited for conference this weekend! I am super excited to be able to hear the words of the prophet and know more about what God wants for us!

Elder Jones

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