This week was kinda hard but it was good. I have learned that sometimes the mission is really good to you, but sometimes you have problems.
Today was kinda crazy. It's a holiday today here in Chile. Which means that places aren't open for emailing, so we have to email from the house of a member, so I don't have a bunch of time.
We didn't baptize this week because we didn't have that many people progressing in the beginning of the week. But we found a couple people that really want to learn more, two families in particular. Miriam, Ariel, and Alex. They are way awesome. Miriam is the grandmother. She came to church with us us last week and liked it a lot. (But we do need to teach the members how to fellowship our friends, because the members sometimes don't really understand how important that is). Miriam liked Church a lot and we are working with their family.
Also, we met a woman named Jennifer. She is the wife of a convert and she is very cool, and knows that the church is a good thing and wants to be a part of it, but she is really slow in the progressing part of it. So we are trying to help her recognize an answer and hopefully she can be baptized on Sunday.
And we met another family a grandmother, mother and children. Silvia, Karen and the children Brandon and Byron. They are really awesome and we are helping them attend church and feel the Spirit, So we have some people that can really progress and hopefully they can do it. I know they can!
So here's something cool: The other day we talked to our convert, Jeannette. She has had a bunch of problems in her life. She just broke up with her pareja (boyfriend). They were living together and he was cheating on her, so they ended the relationship. But through it all she got baptized. And the other day we were talking to her. She didn't come to church the past week to receive the Holy Ghost, so next week she will. But we were talking about destiny. She started saying that she thinks that God sent us to her, specifically at this time, to help her with the problems that she is facing now. And she is so happy that God is watching over her and her family. It was cool to hear and see that she recognizes us as representatives of Jesus Christ. And that she knows that God sent us to her to teach her and her family, and to baptize them. It's so cool to hear the testimony of your converts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And no for some Spanish:
Muchas gracias! Yo me encanta hablar de la familia con las personas aca en Chile. Porque es por medio de la familia que encontremos gozo y felicidad. Cuando las personas ven una foto de mi familia todas piensan que es gigante! Y si, es verdad. Yo recuerdo una vez durante una entrevista la amiga que yo estaba entrevistando no estaba hablando mucho. Ella fue muy tímida y ella no sentía el espíritu. Pero yo le mostré una foto de nuestra familia y empece hablar de mi familia. Las bendiciones y la felicidad que yo he recibido por medio de mi familia y el evangelio. y despues todo cambio. Ella empezó hablar y hacer preguntas. Ella sintió el espiritu y la entrevista salio super bien, fue tan bakan! Entonces muchas gracias por todo. Estoy muy agradecidos por ustedes y las cosas que me han enseñado. Amo mi familia!
Les amo mucho! Elder Jones
No tengo mucho de tiempo. Pero digan a la familia que les amo y siempre estoy orando por ellos. Por favor oren por las personas que escribí antes. Ellos necesitan sentir el espiritu. Estoy bien. Estamos trabajando muy duro y Dios nos esta bendiciendo. Oh, y por favor oren por mi distrito. Que podemos lograr nuestra meta de 10 bautismos en el mes de octubre. Hasta ahora tenemos 3, necesitamos mas! Muchas gracias!
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