Monday, February 19, 2018

Elder CJones: Paciencia con 16 Meses

"As the Lord is patient with us, let us be patient with those we serve. Understand that they, like us, are imperfect. They, like us, make mistakes." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I have been slacking in the mass e-mail that gets sent home every week, so I decided to start with writing it this week.

The mission is always a place to learn and to grow. For different situation there will always be an opportunity to get better. The mission is the greatest place to learn, no matter if you have 20 days or 20 months. I have been learning about patience, as well as many other attributes of Christ.

Ward Valentine Party
It is finally clicking that I am one of the older missionaries in the field. I have been able to understand that now that I have to be an example and be patient with the other missionaries. I know that the experiences and qualities that I learn and apply here will help me in the future. They will help me in my marriage, my family, my career, and my schooling.

The mission is an amazing thing. A mission is a place where, whomever serves, will learn so many qualities that are essential to a successful life in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I want to give some advice to those that are thinking about going on a mission and those that are barely starting for the mission.

1- Throw that ego out the window, on the mission you will truly learn the meaning of humility, you are nothing and God is everything, without Him, you are NOTHING. Learn it now or it will be harder when you get out in the field.

2- After that harsh point, the mission is the greatest thing you can do up to this point in your life.. It will help you grow into the person that God wants and needs you to be, not what you need or want to be.

I know the mission is a blessing, it will test if you are truly willing to follow the example of Jesus Christ

Elder Corom Jones

"He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep." -John 21:17

At the U.S. Border at Matamoros

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