Monday, January 8, 2018

Elder HJones: Bendiciones de Dios

So this past week was so awesome! The best week of the mission thus far. We had the opportunity to have two baptisms! One on Saturday and one on Sunday.

Saturday, we baptized a 14 year old girl named Fernanda. When we first started teaching her she didn't want to change. The commandments were "rules" that she didn't want to follow. But as time progressed and as we talked to her, she started having the desire to change. Then she had the desire to be baptized!

On Sunday, we baptized an 11 year old named Gianmarco. He is such a cool kid! He has become a friend to me. He is  the only one in his family that wanted to listen to our message. Its a little difficult, because nobody in his family is a member. But he already has a strong testimony and desire to learn more!

It was such a blessing for them to be baptized. It has been hard to find and teach people that really want to progress. But God is good. This is His work. And we are now seeing some wonderful things happen in our area. People are progressing, changing, and listening to our message!

So this week was awesome!

And I just want to bear my testimony that I know that President Monson was a prophet. That he was called of God to direct this church and the world during this time. Prophets hold the power, authority, and keys of God. If we listen to the words of prophet (which are words of God in reality) we will not fall.

Elder Jones

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