Thursday, September 7, 2017

Elder ZJones: Proselyting

Hello Everyone!!! I am doing great! I am half-way through the MTC now!!! What an experience it has been. There has been tons and tons of studying. But I have learned a lot. My Spanish is still very bad but it is getting better.

I did have my first hair cut and it is very short!!! But I am going to have to get used to it for the next two years.

I have two MTC instructors. Hermana Carduz served in the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission and is from Argentina. My other instructor is Hermano Ledesma and he served in Mexico. They are both pretty awesome and have taught me a lot!!

We don´t have a gym here. We are able to go outside where they have courts and goals. I play both basketball and soccer. It is way fun to play soccer with the Latinos. They are sooo good! 

There are a lot of dogs here!! Last week during Physical Activity, we were able to witness two dogs fighting!! It got all our hearts racing!! It is something I don´t want to witness again!

I had the chance to go proselyting last Friday and it was an awesome experience. The best thing that happened was when my companion and I taught a quick lesson to a guy who was probably about 25 years old. We first started talking about soccer because he was wearing a Messi Jersey. He then asked us who we were and why we were in Argentina. We were able to explain to him our purpose and beliefs. He is Christian and believes in the Bible. After talking with him we gave him a Book of Mormon and we asked him if he would read it!! It was such an amazing experience to share what we believe with others. Me and my companion couldn't stop smiling afterwards. We were so happy and couldn't wait to talk to other people!! We also talked to some kids and handed out some cards. It was such an awesome experience, one I won't forget!!

On Sunday we watched a devotional given by Elder Oaks. Two things that I learned were

1. The Lord helps those who help themselves.
            We have to do our part first. I feel like a lot of the time we think that the Lord will do everything for us, that He will give us the Gift of Tongues and have us speak the language. But this doesn't work if we don´t do our part. We have to put in the effort to receive these blessings.

2. We aren´t here to be thanked, we are here to serve.
             I am not in Argentina to have those around me to thank me. I am here to serve. We should worry about what other people think of us. I saw this a lot while I was proselyting. Many of the people muttered under there breath when we walked passed or yelled at us. But this isn't something we need to worry about. We need to worry about serving these people. They are the ones that need the help and need to know the truthfulness of the gospel that can help them want to serve.

I am getting shots on Monday. I have to get a flu shot and another one and apparently everyone gets sick from it!! Can´t wait for that!

I know this gospel is true. I am grateful to be here and learn so much. I pray for you and know that Heavenly Father loves you!! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Elder Jones

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