Monday, April 3, 2017

Elder CJones: General Conference and Transfers

"Church sleep is the healthiest of all sleeps" -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

My email isn't that long this week. I have to go home and pack all my things. I will be serving for at least the next six weeks in Rio Bravo, Mexico. Rio Bravo is a smaller city about a half an hour drive east of Reynosa. Rio Bravo is more of a sketchy place. There are drug cartels everywhere and it's a more dangerous city than Reynosa. I am really excited to go and serve the people there.

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As I have listened to some of conference and as I have worked out here in the mission field, I want to bear my testimony of the truthfulness and the amazing qualities we have in our church. I have seen people that don't have the full blessings of the church and I have also seen people change their lives--and the joy they get in their lives as they completely feel the joy that comes to them as they come to church and get baptized.

General Conference was amazing!! Even though I was not able to watch everything. It was amazing as I got to watch in English. The internet services here and the televisions aren't the greatest things ever, so we went to a little internet place to watch conference. Even though we had to pay to watch, we were able to feel the Spirit in that little place.

This week I have been studying a lot about the power of covenants. It's amazing to see the power of covenants and what we can do with them and how they effect our lives. I will share more about what I have been learning about that next week! But it all starts in Alma 24.

-- Elder Corom Jones

"One kind of service is not above another." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Don't look around, look up." -Elder Yoon Hwan Choi

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