Thursday, August 31, 2017
Elder ZJones: Grateful
Hey everyone!!! What a week it has been already!!
So there are 8 in our district.
Elder Holmes from New Mexico
Elder Blackburn and Elder Hollinger from Oregon
Elder Bodily and Elder Dixon from Utah
Hermana Hosman from Arizona
Hermana Gibson from Wyoming.
The food here is really good. A lot of what they serve is meat!
The temple was such an amazing experience. Doing endowments in Spanish was one of the best things. Though I didn't understand most of it, it was a blessing to have so many temples near me at home.
This week I was able to go and do endowments in the Buenos Aires Temple. It was such a blessing to be able to do that. Though it was all in Spanish I still felt the spirit. I am grateful that I had some many close temples in Utah.
The MTC is great. The day to day things are mostly the same!! Everything is centered around teaching. We teach them the lessons like they are our investigators. It has helped a lot with Spanish, but it is also very hard. Yesterday, me and my companion bombed it and it went so bad!! Through that, we have been able to evaluate the things that we can do better for our next lesson.
In this MTC, we watch devotionals instead of having general authorities come down to speak. Yesterday, we watched one given by Elder Neil L. Anderson. He explained that we need to push ourselves further, forget ourselves, and seek the Lord for help. I am going to use these three things as I try to keep learning the language and the gospel.
We were able to go to the city to get are visas and boy IS IT A BIG CITY!!!
On Saturday we get to go proselyting in Buenos Aires!! They will drop us off and give us couple hours to teach . . .And I still don't know the language. It will be an awesome experience to interact with them and hopefully help me with my Spanish. Pray that I will feel of the Spirit when we proselyte.
So far this experience has been great. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and For our loving Heavenly Father. I love this gospel!!
Elder Jones
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Elder HJones: Teaching with the Spirit
Its so weird to think that I'm already beginning my third week here at the MTC. It's nice not being the newest missionary here. I have ten missionaries in my district, two hermanas and eight elders:
Elder Weeks is our district leader and he's from Brigham City.
Elder Larsen is from Ogden.
Elder Taylor is from Kaysville.
Elder Hanson is from Spanish Fork.
Elder Davis is from Kaysville
Elder Larsen is from Salem.
Elder Schow is from Weber.
Hermana Terry is from Parowan.
And Hermana Blaezard is from Las Vegas.
And its hard having a companion all the time. I was always chillin' with my brothers, but sometimes it's good to have alone time. The only time I get that is when I´m in the bathroom. So it's hard sometimes; sometimes frustrating.
It´s very difficult being a missionary. I get to experience the difficult trials, but it is also very rewarding. It's hard learning a new language. It's hard teaching investigators in Spanish when I don't speak the language. But I get to feel the Spirit every single day. For two years, I get to feel the Spirit every single day. And no matter how hard the trials and difficulties, through the Spirit I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is watching over me.
Every day we have the opportunity to teach investigators. It's hard to teach them in Spanish because I don´t know how to fully express myself in a different language. But because we teach with the Spirit everything works out. Through the Spirit I can teach the investigator with my terrible Spanish and everything works out.
Last Thursday was such a spiritual experience for me. We taught our investigator about the Atonement. We started by teaching about the love Christ has for us, and because of His love He provided a way to return to our Father in Heaven. The Spirit was so strong during our lesson. I guess I need to just let you know that the Spirit is the teacher. Nothing I said or did could have helped the investigator understand the love Christ has for her. Without the Spirit you can't teach. So I learned that through the Spirit. We can touch the hearts of the people we teach.
image source: Mexico MTC Facebook Page:
The gospel is such a wonderful thing. It brings me so much joy. As I have learned more, and taught it the past two weeks I have understood the love Christ has for me. He loves me so much, and he loves you. So if your feeling down, or have had a difficult day (trust me, I have had many), just remember the love Christ has for you--it's indescribable.
Elder Jones
Monday, August 28, 2017
Elder CJones: The Marvelous Blessing of a Mother
"God’s greatest reward goes to those who serve without expectation of reward."
-President Dieter F Uchtdorf
Cuidado con Huracán Harvey!
This week a hurricane passed over the side of our state on its way to Texas. First off, pray for the people and families in Houston! They are going through a lot. We hear a lot about them and they need our prayers. Please keep them in your prayers!
We didn't get hit by the hurricane but we did get a lot of rain and lightning. The lightning is really cool here and really loud. And after it rains, it gets really humid and hot. During the rain it is wonderful, but after it is really bad.
One of the things that we teach the the people here is that Heavenly Father knows each one of us personally because He is our All-loving Father.
This week, I received a package from my wonderful mother. What was inside was probably the best thing that I have received while here on the mission.
One of the things that mothers have is this blessing is of knowing what their children love. I got a book of the first 25 conference talks by President Uchtdorf. I think my mom just wants my companions to see me cry ;).
I am so grateful for my mom! I love her to death.
This week, even though it my not be her birthday or Mother's Day, you all should look for a way to show your love to your mother.
Elder Corom Jones
"May each of us remember this truth; 'one cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God.' Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one." -President Monson
-President Dieter F Uchtdorf
Cuidado con Huracán Harvey!
This week a hurricane passed over the side of our state on its way to Texas. First off, pray for the people and families in Houston! They are going through a lot. We hear a lot about them and they need our prayers. Please keep them in your prayers!
We didn't get hit by the hurricane but we did get a lot of rain and lightning. The lightning is really cool here and really loud. And after it rains, it gets really humid and hot. During the rain it is wonderful, but after it is really bad.
One of the things that we teach the the people here is that Heavenly Father knows each one of us personally because He is our All-loving Father.
This week, I received a package from my wonderful mother. What was inside was probably the best thing that I have received while here on the mission.
One of the things that mothers have is this blessing is of knowing what their children love. I got a book of the first 25 conference talks by President Uchtdorf. I think my mom just wants my companions to see me cry ;).
I am so grateful for my mom! I love her to death.
This week, even though it my not be her birthday or Mother's Day, you all should look for a way to show your love to your mother.
Elder Corom Jones
"May each of us remember this truth; 'one cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God.' Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one." -President Monson
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Elder ZJones: Argentina MTC
Week 1 in the MTC has been such a different but amazing experience. Buenos Aires smells very different, [and] though I only got a glimpse of the city, it looks totally different than Utah. There is poverty everywhere and lots of dogs.Though I don´t have much time to write, I will share some experiences.
My companion´s name is Elder Holmes. He is from New Mexico. He loves to have fun but also enjoys working. He doesn´t know much Spanish yet, but he will eventually get there. My district is comprised of 8 missionaries with 6 elders and 2 sisters. As we have worked together, I have seen growth and improvement in the gospel and language for us.
Spanish is hard.
I have learned to both love it but hate it. I have already seen such a big change in the things that I know, but there is still so much to work on. The sacrament meeting are different then I expected. They have a Spanish and English Sacrament Meeting. President Benton chooses 5-6 randomly to share from a talk we have previously prepared. My companion and I were asked to teach Priesthood this Sunday. Pray for us that we can know what to say to those we are teaching.
To improve in the gospel and language, we have "progressive investigators." As we get to know them and teach them, we have to find their needs and teach them what they need through lessons and by the spirit. Though it is really hard in Spanish, my companion and I have learned a lot. As we evaluate our situations, we have gotten better at praying, teaching, and testifying.
Sundays are different. I feel like since I am always in Sunday clothes, it doesn't feel different. I was able to take the sacrament which was a blessing. We have watched some devotionals. One was given by Elder Ballard. He explained we need to lock our hearts into this work and as we do so we can better share this message with others. Today, I am going to be able to go to the temple and do an endowment session. I am so excited to go to a Spanish session. I am grateful to be next to a temple and attend it weekly.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be in Argentina serving a mission. This last week has been different, but I have waited for this moment all my life. The spirit has blessed my life. Grateful for the examples I have met and the influence they have on me. I love this gospel and for the joy it brings to me.
Love, Elder Jones
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Elder HJones: Week One - Nothing Like I Expected
Mexico is nothing like home.
The plane flight was good, was about 4 hours, so I just slept most of the time. When we got off the plane in Mexico City and just chilled until the buses came to take us to the MTC. Let´s just say that this week has been LONG.
The mission was nothing I expected. It was difficult making the transition to the MTC. What has felt like two years at the MTC has only been a week. The environment, the food, and sounds, it´s completely new. It was hard jumping into something I really wasn´t expecting. But I´ve gotten used to listening to Spanish everyday, eating food that really is not that good, and hearing fireworks and police sirens every night while I go to bed.
The MTC is such a crazy place.
I´ve only been here a week and a half, and I've already learned so much. The language is hard to learn, but they kinda force it on you. We have language class every day, and we have to teach investigators in pure Spanish. I'm just really glad I took Spanish in high school, it did more then I thought it would. The MTC isn´t too bad, but I can´t wait to go to Chile and start working.
My companion is Elder Larsen. He´s from Salem UT. He´s a pretty cool dude. My district is awesome. Six of us are going to Antofagasta, three are going to Honduras, and one is going to Santiago. We have eight elders and two hermanas, and our district is honestly the best thing ever. All of us are from Utah, except for one hermana, she's from Nevada. We have gotten along super well, and I´m just grateful for the examples each one of them are to me.
Today I get to go to the temple. I´m pretty excited, just have to wait to see how thats like. I get to go my first 3 p-days here at the MTC.
I´m grateful for this gospel and for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that bringing this wonderful gospel to others brings true happiness. I have relied on prayer and my Heavenly Father to help my through everything. A mission is hard, but it´s possible through Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Elder Jones
Monday, August 21, 2017
Elder CJones: Looking at Blessings with Humble Eyes
"Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men."
-Doctrine & Covenants 138:56 (Hyrum's Mission Scripture)
This week was a great one for looking for people and working hard. We have been working with different people and the ward to try and strengthen the ties there.
I want to share something quick this week that I have been studying. I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon. As a ward, we are working to strengthen our testimonies of the Book of Mormon. We discussed the importance of it and how, when we read it and apply it to our lives, we will be blessed as we apply the teachings to our lives.
I have been reading my favorite part: the war chapters. I noticed that when the people were rebellous they failed as a nation and when they succeeded it's because they were faithful.
"For two years God had been nurturing a questioning soul, little by little he had given me as much as I could handle until the day I was humble enough to hear fully what he wanted to tell me." These are the words of Todd Sylvester!
I know this church is true, I know that we are not all perfect and we falter just as the Nephites did, there are times when we doubt and times when we forget why we are really here. I know that as we look at our lives and we use guides in our lives, we will be blessed and the Lord will help us in every step of the way.
Let us all move forward with a perfect brightness of hope and a firm faith in Christ! I love this work, I know it's hard and I know it's worth it!!
No sean chaes!! ;)
Elder Corom Jones
"And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you
even according to my words."
-Alma 42:31 (Zeram's Mission Scripture)
-Doctrine & Covenants 138:56 (Hyrum's Mission Scripture)
Elder Hernandez and Me |
I want to share something quick this week that I have been studying. I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon. As a ward, we are working to strengthen our testimonies of the Book of Mormon. We discussed the importance of it and how, when we read it and apply it to our lives, we will be blessed as we apply the teachings to our lives.
I have been reading my favorite part: the war chapters. I noticed that when the people were rebellous they failed as a nation and when they succeeded it's because they were faithful.
But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility (Alma 62:41).Here we understand the difference between the two types of Nephites.
And the people of Nephi began to prosper again in the land, and began to multiply and to wax exceedingly strong again in the land. And they began to grow exceedingly rich.
But notwithstanding their riches, or their strength, or their prosperity, they were not lifted up in the pride of their eyes; neither were they slow to remember the Lord their God; but they did humble themselves exceedingly before him.
Yea, they did remember how great things the Lord had done for them, that he had delivered them from death, and from bonds, and from prisons, and from all manner of afflictions, and he had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies.
And they did pray unto the Lord their God continually, insomuch that the Lord did bless them, according to his word, so that they did wax strong and prosper in the land (Alma 62:48-51).I thought of the leaders that they had during these years of war: Moroni, Helaman, Teancum, Pahoran, Antipus. These men were powerful unto the convincing of the people to be righteous. They were leaders and faithful!
And Moroni was a strong and a mighty man; he was a man of a perfect understanding; yea, a man that did not delight in bloodshed; a man whose soul did joy in the liberty and the freedom of his country, and his brethren from bondage and slavery;
Yea, a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God, for the many privileges and blessings which he bestowed upon his people; a man who did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people.
Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ, and he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion, even to the loss of his blood (Alma 48:11-13).Thus we see a promise that if we follow them, we will be protected:
Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been,and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold,the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever;yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men (Alma 48:17).I think that the people followed the example of there leaders as they were blessed for being humble enough to listen.
"For two years God had been nurturing a questioning soul, little by little he had given me as much as I could handle until the day I was humble enough to hear fully what he wanted to tell me." These are the words of Todd Sylvester!
Our AWESOME ward mission leader, Edgar Herrera, and his girlfriend, Beranice! |
I know this church is true, I know that we are not all perfect and we falter just as the Nephites did, there are times when we doubt and times when we forget why we are really here. I know that as we look at our lives and we use guides in our lives, we will be blessed and the Lord will help us in every step of the way.
Let us all move forward with a perfect brightness of hope and a firm faith in Christ! I love this work, I know it's hard and I know it's worth it!!
No sean chaes!! ;)
Elder Corom Jones
"And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you
even according to my words."
-Alma 42:31 (Zeram's Mission Scripture)
My new backpack! |
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Elder ZJones: A Super Saturday Instagram Post
A post shared by Cheryl Benton (@sistercheryl) on
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Elder HJones: Mexico MTC August 15, 2017
image courtesy of the Mexico MTC Facebook Page:
Elder ZJones: First Email
I am in Argentina!!!
The flight was really long.
We have already started working!
My P day is on Thursday.
I am in Argentina!!!
The flight was really long.
We have already started working!
My P day is on Thursday.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Avalanche #3
Today he left.
The second oldest and third missionary of seven.
Off to Argentina to teach the word of God . . .
And we saw and felt that it was good!
The second oldest and third missionary of seven.
Off to Argentina to teach the word of God . . .
![]() |
Thanks to Noel for the pic! |
And we saw and felt that it was good!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Elder HJones: First Email
Hey guys!
I got to the Mexico MTC safe. I´m really tired, but more excited and ready to work. My P-Day is on Wednesday, but it starts next Wednesday.
Miss and love you, Hyrum
I got to the Mexico MTC safe. I´m really tired, but more excited and ready to work. My P-Day is on Wednesday, but it starts next Wednesday.
Miss and love you, Hyrum
Avalanche #2
Today he left.
The third oldest and second missionary of seven.
Off to Chile to teach the word of God . . .
And we saw and felt that it was good!
The third oldest and second missionary of seven.
Off to Chile to teach the word of God . . .
And we saw and felt that it was good!
Monday, August 14, 2017
Elder CJones: Grateful
This week we baptized two of his children to bring them to his family!! I love this work and I know it is the only truth on the earth!!
Love you all!
Elder Corom Jones
What it looks like to send off missionary twins
This evening, Hyrum was set apart by the Stake President as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The entire Stake Presidency and Bishopric were in attendance.
It was a beautiful experience.
We love these men!
It was a beautiful experience.
We love these men!
Monday, August 7, 2017
Elder CJones: Two Baptisms
There is not much to say this week. We are preparing Flor and Marianela for their baptisms this Saturday.
I just want to say that I am really proud of my two brothers for preparing to serve their missions. I know that their lives will be blessed as they leave for Buenos Aires, Argentina and Antofagasta, Chile. I know that they will be able to grow their testimony. I know it will be hard for them and I know that they will cry ;). But, I also know that they are so prepared to teach the Gospel wherever they may be. I love you, boys!
Elder Corom Jones
"After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel."
-Joseph Smith
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