2020? Hello!!
Well these past two weeks have been great here. It's been a mix of really rainy and burning hot. This week we were able to teach and find lots of good people. We were able to give out gift bags to people for Christmas-- it was the best. Not much new has happened. We had a Christmas conference and talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. I know that it is true and will help us come unto Christ and come to understand his promises. Hope you all have a good new years!!
Got bit by a dog this week, but surprisingly there is no mark
Got bit by 14325 mosquitos too, and there are many marks haha
Monday, December 30, 2019
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Elder EJones: Merry Christmas 2019!
Monday, December 16, 2019
Elder EJones: Another New Companion
Well this week was good, my last week with my comp the mini missionary. He is super cool, said bye to him yesterday and today I got my new comp. My new comp is a gringo. He is from Utah, from Bryce Canyon. His name is Elder Tebbs. I picked him up today, so we'll see how it goes. He is really cool and came in the same group as my other companion, Elder Thuet. I am still district leader here as well. Now there are three districts in our zone. It will be helpful to me so that I can focus more on helping people with more focus on only a few areas.
This week was kinda hard. We were able to reach lots of lessons, but lots of people haven't been keeping their commitments, so it makes it hard for us to help them, when they don't do what they need to do to know if this message really is true or not.
This week we did an activity in our district a Christmas caroling way to contact. It went....i would say exactly well haha. Lots of people just said they didn't have time. Some people just closed the door in our faces mid hymn it was kinda funny, but at the same time it's hard for me to see people reject the message of the restored gospel without even listening to the message we have to give. In reality it's not that hard. We ask our investigators to do three things. Read, pray, and go to church. That is the only way that they will be able to know if the message we share is true or not. But my job is to give them the message, its up to them to use their agency to accept or reject it.
The Christmas bags are in process. We are trying to find out who we need to deliver them to and who needs them most this Christmas season. It's the best to be able to help members and investigators to think more of Christ and share his love with others.
We have our Christmas conference this coming Friday. And on Christmas morning we are going to have some breakfast. It'll be fun. It has been a little colder here so it feels more like Christmas haha.
Esta semana pude terminar el Libro de Mormón. Se que es verdadero. No tengo ninguna duda de eso. Se que los profetas de la antigüedad fueron inspirados para escribirlo. No se como seria mi vida sin el Libro de Mormón. A mi me encanta ensenar del Libro de Mormón. Puedo sentir su poder cuando hablo de que testifica de Cristo y nos da la evidencia de su amor para nosotros, y su iglesia restaurada hoy en dia!! Me gusta lo que dice Moroni...
Sí, venid a Cristo, y perfeccionaos en él, y absteneos de toda impiedad, y si os abstenéis de toda impiedad, y amáis a Dios con todo vuestro poder, mente y fuerza, entonces su gracia os es suficiente, para que por su gracia seáis perfectos en Cristo; y si por la gracia de Dios sois perfectos en Cristo, de ningún modo podréis negar el poder de Dios.
Anote cuántas veces él decía os exhorto. Lo dice muchas veces. Se que cuando hacemos lo que nos indican los profetas seremos bendecidos porque siempre testifican de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo.
Can't wait for Christmas!!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Elder EJones: Almost Christmas
It's beginning to look a lot . . . |
. . . like Christmas!! |
It's almost Christmas.
It feels more like Christmas than last year because it has been colder, and it's raining. This week we were able to make Christmas packages to give to people in our area so that they can feel the joy of Christmas.
Elder Van-Pelting |
Well here is the kinda crazy, not so much news. I think I'm gonna get another mini-missionary for the next cambio. One of the assistants called me and told me that they were doing cambios and asked if my comp could stay with me for another 3 weeks but he leaves for his mission in 3 weeks. So he told me to look for another mini missionary or be in a trio. I will not be in a trio haha. So I guess we'll see how it goes, I'll know more for next week.
This week I was able to read in Ether 12. And I love how it is very similar to Hebrews 11, they both talk about faith in Jesus Christ. I like that all the miracles that have ever been done by the apostles and prophets is because of their faith in Jesus Christ. And as we have faith in Him, He will become our anchor and foundation so that we can be secure where we are. And we still live by faith. For our faith we too can do and see things, and come to know the mysteries of God. It marvels me to think of how much faith Joseph Smith had if he was able to see God the Father and Jesus Christ. It made me think of the scripture Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
I can't imagine His faith. But we too can develop firm faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that He lives and loves us. I know that as we learn to trust in Him, He will lead, guide and even walk beside us!!
Jesus Christ
Monday, December 2, 2019
Elder EJones: Lots Have Happened!
Well lots has happened this week. It's been quite the week, but it has been a good one. Here are some of the things that happened:
1. [Another] New Companion
My companion Elder Lage went home on Tuesday. He got permission because his dad is really sick, and there is nobody else to care for him. The church in Brazil offered help, but his girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with the church, so that's that. He was happy to go back to his dad, but at the same time didn't want to leave. So on Tuesday I was in a trio with the zone leaders until Thursday when they were able to find me a mini missionary. A mini companion is basically a member that can be my comp for a few days. His name is Elder Tarraga. He will leave on his mission in January to The Buenos Aires North mission, so it's been cool to have him as a comp. He lives in our stake here and we get along really well.
2. Zone Conference
This week we had zone conference with Elder Held from The Seventy. He talked about lots of things that really stood out to me. One thing that I loved was that he compared us to lumberjacks. We are here to cut down trees (or to do missionary work). And we are given the tools necessary to complete the work. We have a saw and a whetstone to sharpen the saw. Those instruments in the mission are the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. But what we need to do is know how to use them. If we work hard but don't sharpen the saw we have, we won't find lots of success. Our purpose is to use the tools the Lord has given to us, the scriptures, prayer, our testimonies to help others come unto Christ. He also referred to his talk in General conference of the need to look at things with a spiritual vision so that we can see the full picture. He is super cool.
3. Stake Conference
This week we also had stake conference which was amazing. We were able to hear from President Stanford and his wife and our stake leaders. One of the things that I loved that Presidente Stanford talked about was when he was called to be a mission presidente. Lots of people asked how he could leave his family, home, and all he knew to go. And he would say its because he made a covenant with the Lord to give all that he had to Him, not just part. As disciples of Christ we need to be willing to give our all to Him. Another youth talked about four things we can do to become better disciples of Jesus Christ.
-Pray to God with real intent and with real faith
-Studying the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon
-Be humble before God
-Learn to recognize, trust and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost
I know that the path of discipleship isn't hard. It wasn't easy for the first apostles of Jesus Christ, who gave their lives for His cause. And it isn't easy for us. But it is always worth it. I know that Christ lives and loves us. He knows the plan. If we learn to follow Him, we will find true happiness in our lives!!
Love you lots.
1. [Another] New Companion
My companion Elder Lage went home on Tuesday. He got permission because his dad is really sick, and there is nobody else to care for him. The church in Brazil offered help, but his girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with the church, so that's that. He was happy to go back to his dad, but at the same time didn't want to leave. So on Tuesday I was in a trio with the zone leaders until Thursday when they were able to find me a mini missionary. A mini companion is basically a member that can be my comp for a few days. His name is Elder Tarraga. He will leave on his mission in January to The Buenos Aires North mission, so it's been cool to have him as a comp. He lives in our stake here and we get along really well.
2. Zone Conference
This week we had zone conference with Elder Held from The Seventy. He talked about lots of things that really stood out to me. One thing that I loved was that he compared us to lumberjacks. We are here to cut down trees (or to do missionary work). And we are given the tools necessary to complete the work. We have a saw and a whetstone to sharpen the saw. Those instruments in the mission are the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. But what we need to do is know how to use them. If we work hard but don't sharpen the saw we have, we won't find lots of success. Our purpose is to use the tools the Lord has given to us, the scriptures, prayer, our testimonies to help others come unto Christ. He also referred to his talk in General conference of the need to look at things with a spiritual vision so that we can see the full picture. He is super cool.
3. Stake Conference
This week we also had stake conference which was amazing. We were able to hear from President Stanford and his wife and our stake leaders. One of the things that I loved that Presidente Stanford talked about was when he was called to be a mission presidente. Lots of people asked how he could leave his family, home, and all he knew to go. And he would say its because he made a covenant with the Lord to give all that he had to Him, not just part. As disciples of Christ we need to be willing to give our all to Him. Another youth talked about four things we can do to become better disciples of Jesus Christ.
-Pray to God with real intent and with real faith
-Studying the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon
-Be humble before God
-Learn to recognize, trust and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost
I know that the path of discipleship isn't hard. It wasn't easy for the first apostles of Jesus Christ, who gave their lives for His cause. And it isn't easy for us. But it is always worth it. I know that Christ lives and loves us. He knows the plan. If we learn to follow Him, we will find true happiness in our lives!!
Love you lots.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Elder EJones: Thanksgiving Week--Crazy!
How are you? How has your week been? It's crazy that this is Thanksgiving week. I can remember last thanksgiving like it was yesterday. I was here in the mission!! But this week is gonna be super good. I'm super excited. Elder Mathias Held from The Seventy is coming to our mission and we are going to have a conference with him on Thanksgiving.
Things are back to normal here in Tarija. We can leave the normal hours so it has been really nice. But this week has been really long, I'm not gonna lie. My companion is really cool. Sometimes it's a little hard to understand him when he mixes Portuguese and Spanish. Ha.
Other then that it has been a good week. It has been hard to find out investigators this week, but we were able to find them near the end of the week, and they still have desires to keep learning and progressing.
I was able to read lots in 3 Nephi this week, and it is amazing. I love the connection that the Bible and the Book of Mormon have together. I have decided to compare the Lord's sermon in Matthew, and in the Book of Mormon. It has been super cool to see the similarities and differences. I challenge you to do the same. What I love is that when He was first on earth He had not yet completed with what the Lord had commanded Him. But after His resurrection and ascension, He had completed the will of the Father. And when He came to the Americas, He testified and completed with past promises He had made.
I like the comparison of these two verses that my companion and I shared in a lesson with some members.
Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
3 Nephi 12:48
Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.
I love how the Lord always invites us to become more like him. It is found more than anything in His sermon in the Americas. And sometimes I think to myself, "Well, how can I be like Christ? He is perfect, and I am full of errors." But I realize that it's not really about being perfect, because He was the only [Perfect One]. But it's doing what He would do. Being strictly obediente. Keeping my covenants, and living worthy of the Holy Ghost!!
I love this gospel and the blessings we can receive to being members of the Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter Day Saints!!
Things are back to normal here in Tarija. We can leave the normal hours so it has been really nice. But this week has been really long, I'm not gonna lie. My companion is really cool. Sometimes it's a little hard to understand him when he mixes Portuguese and Spanish. Ha.
Other then that it has been a good week. It has been hard to find out investigators this week, but we were able to find them near the end of the week, and they still have desires to keep learning and progressing.
I was able to read lots in 3 Nephi this week, and it is amazing. I love the connection that the Bible and the Book of Mormon have together. I have decided to compare the Lord's sermon in Matthew, and in the Book of Mormon. It has been super cool to see the similarities and differences. I challenge you to do the same. What I love is that when He was first on earth He had not yet completed with what the Lord had commanded Him. But after His resurrection and ascension, He had completed the will of the Father. And when He came to the Americas, He testified and completed with past promises He had made.
I like the comparison of these two verses that my companion and I shared in a lesson with some members.
Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
3 Nephi 12:48
Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.
I love how the Lord always invites us to become more like him. It is found more than anything in His sermon in the Americas. And sometimes I think to myself, "Well, how can I be like Christ? He is perfect, and I am full of errors." But I realize that it's not really about being perfect, because He was the only [Perfect One]. But it's doing what He would do. Being strictly obediente. Keeping my covenants, and living worthy of the Holy Ghost!!
I love this gospel and the blessings we can receive to being members of the Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter Day Saints!!
Book of Mormon,
visiting authority
Monday, November 18, 2019
Elder E Jones: New Companion
Eu tenho um novo companheiro. (That's I have a new companion in Portuguese!)
We had cambios this week and I have a new companion. I am still here in Tabladita, and the work is progressing really well. My comp is from Brazil and his name is Elder Lage. He is really cool, and iI'mexcited to work and learn with him this week. We have finally been able to get back to normal, at least in our mission. All the North Americans in Cochabamba were relocated to Brazil. But for now we're safe, I don't think much more will happen.
This week the Lord helped six of our investigators to come to church with us!! The Lord is full of miracles that He wants to give us. I know that as we trust Him, and give Him our all, He will help is in all that we need.
I was able to read about talents that the Lord gives us. And realized the importance to use them to help others. I know that as we try to develop them more, the Lord will help us to magnify them!!
Love you all. Have a good week!
Elder Jones
Eu tenho um novo companheiro. (That's I have a new companion in Portuguese!)
My new companion |
This week the Lord helped six of our investigators to come to church with us!! The Lord is full of miracles that He wants to give us. I know that as we trust Him, and give Him our all, He will help is in all that we need.
I was able to read about talents that the Lord gives us. And realized the importance to use them to help others. I know that as we try to develop them more, the Lord will help us to magnify them!!
My old companion |
This week I loved this scripture that I read in the Book of Mormon: Moroni 7:48
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
I love the invitation of how to pray to Heavenly Father. With ALL the energy of our hearts. The only way to truly become like His, is to come to know Him. That is why he allows us to pray to Him. And I know that he answers prayers. I know that He is our Father.
Elder Jones
Monday, November 11, 2019
Elder EJones: A Normal Week for Us
Well, this week was super normal for us. It's kinda weird because it's probably been the most crazy of all the weeks. But our area is out in the middle of nowhere, so we are super safe. Nothing happens. Except dogs, they're mean.
Don't really know a whole lot about what is happening here. Missionaries don't know much. But we'll see how this week goes. We've only been able to leave until 7:30 pm this past week, but we can wear our normal missionary clothes, we just can't contact doors.
Well here are the highlights/news this week:
1st: We are teaching Lucero. She's 20 and has talked to missionaries before. But we found her a few weeks ago and she has progressed a lot. She came to a baptisms with us on Saturday, and it was a great service, really key for her to come to feel the Spirit more. Then she came to church with us yesterday and told us she liked a whole lot. She is progressing a lot so pray that she will continue to have that desire to follow Christ.
2nd: CAMBIOS....Yes we have cambios. So we won't switch until Wednesday, but here are what they look like. My comp is going to another area. But it's funny because it's the area right next to ours right now. He's going to companions with an Elder that goes to the ward after us, so it's not a huge change. I am going to be with a Brazilian elder who has the same amount of time as my comp right now. I'll help him finish his training. And I am still DL, so I'm excited for that. Our district has changed so I'm excited to see how that goes.
3rd: I love this scripture that I read this week in personal study.
Helaman 8:18
"Yea, and behold I say unto you, that Abraham not only knew of these things, but there were many before the days of Abraham who were called by the border of God; yea, even after the order of his Son; and this that it should be shown unto the people, a great many thousand years before his coming, that even redemption should come unto them."
I love the power of a prophet. To testify of things of how they were, how they are, and how they are to come. The Lord gives them power. But they see that power to testify of Christ. I know that is what they have been called to do. From Adam to Mormon to Russell M. Nelson!! I love their teachings.
Well that's all for this week. Hope you have a great week.
Love you,
Elder Jones
Monday, November 4, 2019
Elder EJones: Back to Church in Church Clothes
Yesterday was the best. The first time in two weeks that we were able to wear our normal church clothes to church. We were also able to proselyte yesterday in the afternoon in our normal Sunday wear without our badges. I have come to realize how much power our badges as missionaries give us. It tells it all. Our names, who we represent, and the name of the church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So I hope that things will begin to clear up more so that we can leave in our normal clothes again. It's not bad here at all in our area, but we still need to follow the precautions that come.
Some people have had their hearts softened more for all the bad that has been happening. And all the members are hoping that it all clears up so that things can get back to normal.
I have been able to read lots in the week in the Book of Mormon. And where I'm at is perfect in its application to what is happening here. I have been able to read more about Captain Moroni as a chief leader over the Nephite armies. I love the spiritual implications that we can learn from it. Like the fortifying of cities, in their weak spots, so where the enemy could attack before, is no longer a good option for him. To put on the whole armor of God to protect us in every possible way against the attacks of the enemies. And I love that in all that they do, they fight for their God, their religion, their liberty, their peace, and their families. And that is what the Lord needs us to do. But the battle is spiritual...maybe its physical here, but we need to protect ourselves from the devil and his sly ways so that the Lord can protect us. I love this gospel. I love the applications of the Book of Mormon in our lives.
Everything is good here. I'm good and my comp is too. There are supposed to be cambios this week, but idk how those will go down. Hope that you have a good week!
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The field from Walter Mitty, i'm like 98% sure |
Monday, October 28, 2019
Elder EJones: A Polo and Jeans . . . to Church?
So really not much has happened. It's all kinda the same. The good thing is that today the streets have opened up more. The weird thing here is that when the people are mad against the government they block the streets-- with their cars, with sticks and whatever stuff they can find. That prevents so many people from being able to work and travel. So they do that every once in a while. Today was supposed to be really bad, but there doesn't seem to be any of those "paros" today like everyone said there would be. Idk what its like in Santa Cruz though. I hear it's a lot worse there because Tarija is super calm. Our President and the assistants really just play everyday by ear so we only know little by little if we'll be able to leave to proselyte.
Yesterday was kinda a weird day. So on Saturday night they called us and told us that we would be able to go to church yesterday. But they said, yeah, you should wear like a polo and jeans to church......what???? Are you serious or kidding? First off it's the Sabbath, and I'm not gonna wear stuff like that when I know that I can wear good clothes. More than anything it was for our protection so that we don't stand out like a sore thumb like we already do as gringos. And second off, I don't have a polo here. I'm a missionary. I either have proselytizing clothes or Pday clothes.
So do you know what my comp and I did....? We wore pants. Not our dress pants, but good pants, that are close enough to dress pants. They are way better than jeans. And we wore our white shirts. We didn't wear our ties until we got to church, and when we got there we put them on. It felt weird not wearing my suit, just not wearing my best clothes when I knew that I had them. So it was kinda weird. We've also been walking around without a place for the last couple days every time that we leave the house. That's like the worst, being a missionary but having your badge stripped from you. We also proselyted yesterday for a few hours with Pday clothes. It has been such a weird week, and I am grateful for Sunday-church clothes.
That's about it for this week. It seems like its getting better, but we'll see this week. Hope that you have a good week this week! I am praying for you both.
Love you,
Elder Jones
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Sunday...we look like angels because the lighting ruined the pic
Yesterday was kinda a weird day. So on Saturday night they called us and told us that we would be able to go to church yesterday. But they said, yeah, you should wear like a polo and jeans to church......what???? Are you serious or kidding? First off it's the Sabbath, and I'm not gonna wear stuff like that when I know that I can wear good clothes. More than anything it was for our protection so that we don't stand out like a sore thumb like we already do as gringos. And second off, I don't have a polo here. I'm a missionary. I either have proselytizing clothes or Pday clothes.
So do you know what my comp and I did....? We wore pants. Not our dress pants, but good pants, that are close enough to dress pants. They are way better than jeans. And we wore our white shirts. We didn't wear our ties until we got to church, and when we got there we put them on. It felt weird not wearing my suit, just not wearing my best clothes when I knew that I had them. So it was kinda weird. We've also been walking around without a place for the last couple days every time that we leave the house. That's like the worst, being a missionary but having your badge stripped from you. We also proselyted yesterday for a few hours with Pday clothes. It has been such a weird week, and I am grateful for Sunday-church clothes.
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Chillin' on the Roof |
That's about it for this week. It seems like its getting better, but we'll see this week. Hope that you have a good week this week! I am praying for you both.
Love you,
Elder Jones
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A frog! |
Monday, October 21, 2019
Elder EJones: A Day of Rest
This week has been a good one. It was slow, but also really fast, so it was kinda weird.
This weekend was presidential elections here in Bolivia. Elections only happen every five years. So out of precaution for lots of things that could happen (riots for a new presidente or riots for the same president), we had to stay in the house yesterday. So we really didn't do much, because there is not much to do. Read the scriptures, eat food, rest, read more scriptures. So lets just say I'm happy to be out again preaching the gospel.
Yesterday we weren't able to go to Church so that was rough. It was truly a day of rest. A day for many things. Studies in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenents. I made some no bake cookies. I played my uke, some good hymns that I've learned. Surprisingly, I didn't nap...since when did I not nap? And I continued to honor the sabbath in my Sunday clothes. Staying in Sunday clothes helps me to better understand the why behind what I do. The why the Sabbath is a sacred day. And even though I wasn't able to take the sacrament yesterday (we asked our bishop, but it was restricted from the area), I was still able to feel it as a day of rest.
This week we had an amazing lesson. About 2 weeks ago we found a family. A mom, and her 10 year old kid. Calicsta and Luis. We taught them once and got to know them, and she said she wanted to know more. Missionaries had gone to her house before, but never returned. But she showed interest to learn more. We went the next time, and she was already ready with chairs set outside so that we could teach her and her son. We have taught them twice now. This week we explained to them the Book of Mormon. That is testifies of Jesus Christ. And we read with them the first chapter of first Nephi. It was a super good lesson, and she had super good questions, and said she was excited to keep reading. Then she told us that she is going to take out 2 hours of her crazy work schedule to come to church. Then when she prayed...ahh, we could definitely feel the spirit.
Pray for her. Pray for her son Luis. And pray for her husband that we will be able to find him, and that he will have time to listen, so that they can become an eternal family.
This week I loved a scripture that I came across about the conversion that Amulek really had to the Savior, and the support and love his companion, Alma showed unto him..
Alma 15:16, 18
"And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having forsaken all his gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred;"
"Now as I said, Alma having seen all these things, therefore he took Amulek and came over to the land of Zarahemla, and took him to his own house, and did administer unto him in his tribulations, and strengthened him in the Lord."
True conversion to the Lord requires true sacrifice. And true discipleship and chirstlike love comes as we reach out to others, even though we may be facing for many trials ourselves.
Here's what I know.
The Book of Mormon is true and the key to our religion
Prophets, ancient, and modern day have been called by the Lord
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Elder EJones: Gratitude in Baptisms
But better then all that is that as a district we reached our goal and are going for another one. We had nine probable baptisms this week in our district...and 9 got baptized! It was a huge miracle that the Lord gave to us. And so I'm super happy and thankful for the Lord.
I realized this week the need to thank the Lord more. In a talk this Sunday, the speaker said the following, "We don't appreciate the small things until we don't have them anymore." It has made me think of the more I need to do to be thankful for what the Lord has given to me, to not complain.
Scripture that I loved this week...
Mosiah 28:3
Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.
I am trying to be more like the sons of Mosiah. They are some of my scripture heroes.
Not much more is happening here. We don't have church next week because there are elections for president, so it'll be kinda crazy here...
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Eggs . . . in a hole :) |
Monday, August 12, 2019
Elder EJones: One Year!
Crazy to think, but this week I completed a year in the mission!! It has been a great year, and like everyone says the best year of my life. I have learned a lot. Learned to trust God more. I have learned more of who Jesus Christ is, and what his Atonement personally means to me.
1 Timothy 4:12
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
I love this scripture. Remember that we are examples in all that we do. As we strive to be more like our Savior Jesus Christ, we will find what we need to continue in our lives will happiness.
Love you all,
Elder Jones
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
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